Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This term our inquiry is on CHANGE with the focus on animals. We are hoping to answer our big question "Do we help or harm animals?".

Before we can answer this we have first had to work out what we think an animal even is. It has proved to be very interesting because - for the most part - the children did not believe that things like ants, snakes, fish, frogs and birds were animals. So... we have done a lot of "discovering" on this topic - and we are new clearer on what an animal is - and we have also learnt to classify animals into groups. Life cycles have been looked at only briefly as the children have a reasonable understanding of these already.

This week I posed the big question of whether we help or harm animals and their opinions are divided.

I have also asked them to start thinking about "why we have zoos?" and tomorrow we will discuss their answers. All this is called the "Search" part of our inquiry. We are searching through information to try and find what will help us answer our questions.

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